Frequently Asked




What do you mean by Proxy testing?  How do you work on people over the internet? Would it work better if you were working on me in person?


Proxy testing is when someone has been given the authority to act on behalf of someone else. We refer to the authorized person as a proxy.  A proxy is someone who acts as a substitute.  In proxy testing the proxy temporarily ‘becomes’ the person being tested.  By voluntarily putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else, a proxy can be tested as if they were the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be used to benefit the subject. 

It has been my experience that working at distance with people is just as effective as working on them in person.  This is a non-intrusive technique (nothing personal will come up just the energies that were experienced).


How many sessions does it typically take to clear the heart wall?


To clear the majority of adult heart walls can take anywhere between 3-5 sessions.  Clearing children’s heart walls can take anywhere between 1 to 3 sessions.  A pet’s heart wall usually clears in one session.  It really depends on what your life experience has been like; everyone experiences the effects of releasing the heart wall differently.



How would I know how many sessions I need to purchase?


This question is asked frequently, and it really varies between each person.  Sometimes a single session will be effective and allow you to experience the results of this work.  Typically, I always recommend a five sessions package to have enough time to clear your heart wall, and other areas of imbalance.

After completing two or three sessions you should in most cases experience significant improvements in your health.  This can also vary greatly between one person and another though since we all process events differently in our lives.  Usually the older you are, the more baggage (stress) you have collected, the more trapped emotions you will need to clear.

You may find that you may need more sessions, but you can be the judge of that yourself.  At the completion of each of your sessions I will ask your Higher Self if and when your body wants another session.  Over a lifetime, a person can have hundreds of trapped emotions.


Do my purchased session packages have an expiration date?


It’s advised to schedule your sessions after purchasing, and not waiting too long in between sessions.  After each session I will ask your subconscious mind approximately when you will be ready for the next session, then I will advise you of this and we can go from there.  Sessions can be used for up to 3 months after the purchase date.


Can my purchased sessions be shared with my family members?


Yes. There are a few different options when working on multiple people. There are packages of 5 sessions that you may share.  If your family is not too familiar with this work, we can work on them as long as you ask their permission.  Permission is important because of the processing that occurs with the releasing.  Also, sharing their results with them is always helpful. 

If the children are minors, then their legal guardian(s) can authorize consent for the Body Code to be done on them but if they are adult children then they must give their own consent. (THIS IS A MUST)



What do I do after I purchase a session or a package of sessions?


After making any session purchase, a confirmation email or text will be sent to you.  Just email to confirm that you have purchased whatever package and include your name, age, up to four issues that you want worked on along with severity numbers 1 to 10 for each issue, 10 being very severe.  I will then respond to your e-mail as soon as I can with an acknowledgement and a starting date for your 1st session.


How will I know when you are working on me and what is being done?


I will send you a text alert that I will be working on you.  Within a week of completing each Body Code/Emotion Code session I will send an email report to you detailing the session’s energetic releases.  Each energetic release will be detailed describing to you which trapped emotions were identified and released, what organ was holding this energy, when the energy became trapped, and also what other imbalances and misalignments were discovered and released.

There may also be recommendations or suggestions for supplements etc…. You may then reflect back on the time that the releases were actually experienced and see that maybe you felt different.


What does processing mean?


Once a negative energy is released, there will be a shift of energy.  The body which is made up of nothing but pure energy is now dealing with the release of this negative energy which was blocked inside it.  The body then has to adjust to the release of that low frequency energy being removed from it.


Does the Body Code work on pets as well?


The Body Code works great on all animals.  Animals typically need one to two sessions to correct most imbalances but sometimes more depending on age and layers of trapped emotions.


Do I have to do anything to prepare for a session?


No, this works quite well under any circumstance or at any time.  It is recommended though that you do set the time aside and sit quietly so you can be aware of the shifting energies and how you feel while it is happening.


How many imbalances and or misalignments can be corrected in one session and how spread out is each session?


The body will release as many imbalances as it allows. There is only so much that can be done at once before the body has to process what has been released. After each session your body may be processing the shifts in energy for up to 3 days.  Processing usually takes 1 to 2 days.

Usually, up to 18 energy corrections can be made safely in one session.  Sessions are spread out usually around once per week, sometimes twice.  The amount of releases possible in one session is limited only by the clients ability to handle whatever amount of releases before it shuts down.


What should I expect after doing an emotional release?


“The body has to “process” every emotion that is experienced.  A normal, healthy emotional experience is when you feel the emotion and let it go right then and there, and the processing is done immediately.  When an emotion becomes trapped, the body does not go through this processing period and is unable to let the emotion go on its own.


When you release an emotion with The Emotion Code, the body finally is allowed to go through this processing period or healing period, which usually lasts for a day or so.  About 20% of the time, people will notice “symptoms” of processing such as the following: emotional sensitivity, crying, sleeplessness or a need for more sleep, vivid dreams, etc.  Very rarely, an exacerbation of physical or emotional symptoms occurs, but like all processing it should only last about a day or maybe two.



Most people tend to feel lighter and happier after an emotional release, if this doesn’t occur right after the release it usually occurs after the processing period is over with.”

Dr.Bradley Nelson


Can I work on a specific traumatic event?  Do I have to tell you what it is for you to be able to work on it?


If there is an event that you know has impacted you strongly that may be the underlying cause of what you are experiencing you are more than welcome to bring it to the session.  You can share as much of the event as you feel comfortable doing.


Does it work for everyone? Have you experienced it not being effective for someone?


It has been my experience that I have yet to find someone that doesn’t experience any shifts. That doesn’t mean they always knew they were experiencing changes and shifts.  For some people it is subtle, and for others they experience immediate change.  Even if you may not see or feel a difference, often others around you can see and feel it.  Many times I’m told that others close to the subject are behaving in a more loving and accepting manner of them after releases are done on the subject.


Is this safe to use on children and pets?


Yes, this is a safe, non-intrusive healing modality for both children and pets as well. The best time to start clearing emotional baggage is when your children are young.  The younger that you begin, the greater their opportunity of fulfilling their full potential in life.  Please realize that pets have feelings the same as we do and a happier and well adjusted pet is a joy to be around.


Once I release and clear my heart wall can I create a new one or can it come back?


This does not happen very often.  If a new heart wall is created, it usually isn’t more than one or two emotions.  It usually happens if a traumatic or significant event happens such as a shocking event like a divorce, death, loss of job, etc….


Can I trust you that all of my information is being kept confidential?


Yes,100%.  I extend all my clients the same privacy privileges you’d expect at a doctor’s or lawyer’s office.  Your information will not be shared with anyone unless you give permission.


What if someone doesn’t believe this works?  …or tries to prove you wrong?  Will it still work for them?

“It will be very difficult for you to help people like this, if not impossible.  If someone doesn’t want it to work, or doesn’t believe it works, then it won’t… not for them anyway!!

If they are open-minded you’ll have an easier time.  If they believe you can help them and have faith in the technique, you’ll have much more success. 

“Don’t waste your time trying to convince the stubborn and closed-minded when there are plenty of open-minded people out there who need your help just as badly!”

Dr. Bradley Nelson


How many days do I need to wait before I can have the next session?


I would at least give yourself 2-3 days to process each session.   Usually from 6 to 18 imbalances can be released in one session; that’s usually the amount of energetic shifts it takes in order for a person to go into processing.  I will usually perform a session either once or twice a week.


Can you re-trap an emotion by re-living it?


We sometimes ask you not to think about what has been released intensely to avoid re-trapping an emotion about that particular event.  It won’t be that the trapped emotion came back.  We can think about something upsetting and even trap an emotion years after the event took place.  It is as if you start reminiscing about something that occurred years ago and all of a sudden you get a headache.


I have so many questions to ask you? Is there a way to ask you questions?


If you have a question you may always feel free to contact me and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.