What is the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code is a safe and non-invasive energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release trapped emotions. These are harmful balls of energy that are created from negative past emotional events that are not fully processed at the time. These energies can get lodged anywhere on the physical body and at the same time in an organ or gland as well. Emotional baggage is very real, and although it is invisible, it can really mess up your happiness, success, and also your health. It is akin to lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you’ve ever gone through – eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice.
Each suitcase can be referred to as a trapped emotion: an emotional energy (a specific damaging frequency) that was created by yourself in response to an event.
These energies can cause a wide range of issues for us ranging from anxiety and depression to a multitude of other chronic diseases. They can block love and happiness from entering our life or reaching others and make someone feel disconnected from others. And, they can also cause addictions and a whole host of other emotional issues.
Since trapped emotions are made up of energy (like everything else in the body), they exert a powerful negative influence on the physical tissues and can cause acute pain and disease.
Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal, thus physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become more manageable.
Upon clearing trapped emotions, people often express that they feel lighter, more at ease. They might comment that they look at their situation differently and suddenly they’re ok with letting it go and moving on. When that happens, amazing new things can begin to enter their lives.
The Emotion Code is very safe and works very well on any of your children and pets as well. It is a liberating and healing gift to give to someone you love.
“In the same way that you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel its effects, trapped emotions are invisible and they can exert powerful forces upon you.”
– Dr.Bradley Nelson
“It is my experience that a significant percentage of physical illness, emotional difficulty and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies.”
– Dr. Bradley Nelson
What is the Body Code?
The Body Code is based on quantum physics. It is a comprehensive method of determining imbalances or misalignments in the body, mind, or spirit by dowsing or muscle testing. When our body is out of balance it is said to be in dis-ease. The Body Code teaches you how to find six main types of imbalances (whether or not there are symptoms) and explains how to balance the body by releasing these imbalances magnetically and with intention. Your immune system is the single best indicator of how healthy or sick you are. A lowered immune system will also allow for further imbalances to accumulate, causing a downward spiral in your health. Don’t delay in addressing this matter! Increasing your immune system is quite easy with the Body Code. By addressing the below mentioned imbalances your immune system will automatically increase:
- Emotional imbalances
- Toxicity imbalances
- Circuitry imbalances
- Pathogen imbalances
- Structural imbalances
- Nutritional imbalances
Energy Imbalances
These imbalances can include the following energy imbalances: Emotional, Post Traumatic, Allergies and Intolerances, Mental and Offensive.
Toxicity Imbalances
These imbalances can include the following toxicity imbalances: Heavy Metals, Free Radicals, Electro Magnetic Spectrum, Chemicals and Microbial.
Circuitry Energetic Imbalances
These imbalances can be found in the following areas: Organs, Glands, Chakras, Disconnections and your Meridians (Chinese acupuncture meridians).
Pathogen Imbalances
These can be microscopic infestations comprised of the following pathogens: Parasites, Fungi, Bacterial, Viral and Mold.
Structural Misalignments
These misalignments can be found in the following areas of the body: Bones, Nerves, Muscles, Connective Tissue, Glands and Organs.
Nutritional Imbalances
These imbalances can include the following: pH Imbalances, Healing Foods, or Stay Away from Foods, Herbs, Nutrients, Dehydration and Magnetic Field deficiencies.
All testing is performed by dowsing.
Dowsing, like muscle testing, is a non-intrusive tool that we can use to identify imbalances in the body. The science behind it is similar to a lie detector test or polygraph where a person is hooked up to sensitive electrodes and asked certain questions. The person’s answers generate a certain electrical response in the body, which is read and graphed by the machine, showing if the answers are true or false. This is done on a very delicate, minute scale. The muscles of the body are also affected by this electrical state so we can use them to show the same response, just on a more pronounced scale.